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An American Fairy-Tell
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An American Fairy-Tell
John J. Alexander
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
The Cruel Ending
The Rough Beginning
American Citizenship
American Identification
Truth in Voting
Court System
Health Care Problems
Marriage Bureaucracy and Responsibilities
Immigration and Sustainable Sovereignty
The Police State
Education System
More Money More Problems
The Lush Government of More Power More Problems
GMO’s and Farmer Woes
Legal Liberties
The story of America the Country and the people that make it what it is, can only be told by telling real stories and not fairy-tales, so we have An American Fairy-Tell about the nationwide Backlash aimed at the regressive left and the biased MSM. The public grew tired of being told what to believe and how to act. The relentless spreading of fake news to all who dared listen covered the country from coast to coast, igniting a firestorm, calling all red-blooded US citizens to arms much like the colonial militia against the British Empire. The left redefined what was un-American by blatantly demonizing patriotism while promoting forced globalization, but instead of a bloody physical war, political battlefields littered the countryside. Lies and deceit can only get lunatics so far before the house of cards come crumbling down. In this timeline, we learn how politically correct SJW lunatics nearly destroyed America with intimidation, hate, and bigoted views, hell bent on eradicating anyone with common sense. These temperamental snowflakes with chucklehead tendencies served the elite ruling class of the Plutocracy. The decision-making underbelly of the government, shielded from public view and criticisms. After years of politician manipulation and corporate greed, the sleeping giant finally awoke. The true American voice once muted by government oppression made its thunderous revival. Not by bloodshed, but by constitutional right, the people took control away from corrupt government agencies run by unruly children put in place by indoctrinated self-righteous nitwits. The surreal state of America gave rise to the PartyUnited that ushered in a new golden era setting higher standards and values for generations to come.
The Cruel Ending
America, burdened by the relentless attacks from the politically correct Nazi’s known as social justice warriors, or SJW’s, fought back against the oppression and subdued the ill-logical propagandist with common sense problem solving tactics. The country had taken a beating by theses delusional fools who pushed the majority past the breaking point with irrational policies designed after failed ideologies. After years of fast-paced economic growth and ever increasing individual comforts, we grew soft and compliant to those yelling the loudest as we turned a blind eye to their nonsense. Most people enjoyed good lives and just wanted to be left alone in order to enjoy limited precious time with family and friends. When a fringe cause made headlines, no one really cared because it did not seem to affect daily life. Year after year, this happened, giving strength and confidence to the SJW community. Each “victory” against the perceived patriarchy system and despised Christian values in America fueled a silent rage indoctrinated on college campuses throughout the country.
The dividing of a nation’s people is the first step in domination. History shows Hitler brainwashed the youth and turned German against German based on individual beliefs. Free speech and open discussion are dangerous to would be dictators, which caused SJW’s to attack free thinkers and push for government suppression. Hitler used progressive propaganda to force radical ideas and create a need for change only the government could provide. Hijacked American Media outlets, large and small, helped to promote new radical ideas distorting the real issues causing internal conflicts between the old and young and family and friend. The SJW’s were the soldiers fighting for ever-changing agendas but legislators and too big to fail corporations pulled the strings. Who was at war with little o’l America is hard to describe, but the anti-American movement spoke loudly as it crept into every State suppressing free speech and logical thought.
America, the land of the free and home to the brave had sadly become land of the big government and home to growing taxation without fair representation. Those who refused or could not pay ever rising taxes were fined and/or imprisoned, sadly an accepted reality millions understood all too well. Citizens never really own land, but rent lots from the government until dead or unable make the payments, the land is then transferred to someone else and the cycle repeats. Inflation devalues money but inflates property values and everyday commodities, which increases tax revenue. Another never-ending cycle used to enslave the masses. In reality, slaves to a necessary but oppressive master.
The once proud cities, over-run by Leftist Regressive thinkers, fell victim to ridiculous regulations and unconstitutional decrees forcing many to flee the radically oppressed areas. These one-sided ideas caused many snowflakes to cheer when introduced as the naysayers argued against such non-sense to no avail. Men could now use a woman’s restroom or shower without legal prosecution, illegal migrants received healthcare and food and housing benefits while citizens went without. The borders became jokes as millions poured through seeking safety in unconstitutional sanctuary cities set-up to avoid federal deportation. Felons and illegals were given voting rights as citizens in the military and abroad were silenced. Widespread voting fraud became commonplace as the dead voted in most elections and more than once, all in the name of democracy. The government openly spied on its citizens and stripped away constitutional rights in the name of protection against enemies without borders. The government stole hard-earned retirement money with little means to repay the billions lost, all the while blaming it on a flawed system. Social Media giants stole personal information and sold it to the highest bidder. Carefully selected Politicians dominated the media streams as others were subjected to unfair suspicions while the elite by-passed corruption and fraud charges with little effort. The national debt doubled and doubled again as the yearly deficits were used as weapons to scare the masses on a recurring frequency. The righteous and virtuous were mocked and sometimes prosecuted by the media and judicial system alike. The minority was given authority over the majority by way of executive actions by a few power hungry narcissistic buffoons. A person’s light colored skin now caused injustice and hatred for no other reason than bigotry and racism. Working for a living was deemed backward and old fashioned as people opted to demanding “free” stuff from the government instead. Given all the rights allowed to illegals, what incentives were there to be American Citizens and pay taxes for others to abuse? The “it’s not my fault generation” and “you owe me generation” yelled at the top of their overly developed lungs until the whole world stopped to listen. The world finally took notice at all the nonsense these whiny people had subjected the hard working and caring masses to over several decades. The world was not happy.
The world looked at America hoping for a response or jester to such nonsense and the sleeping giant finally opened its eyes to witness the burden America had subjected its self and the world to while turning the other cheek in the name of progress. Tolerance had been the damning argument leading to the downward spiral of the nation. Tolerance was the ironic m
ovement praised by the SJW’s that condemned generations to oppression by so-called victims. Scathing labels were given to those that opposed these moronic ideals along with frequent social media and hand written attacks toward family members, friends and employers. The new world order of the offended cried when someone disagreed with their opinion and demanded justice by means of jail sentence and fine. Tolerance allowed enemies to live among us, to gain our trust and attack without warning. After multiple daring attacks on American soil, enough was enough, so the pushback began with a grumble as the backlash snapped into a full whip as the SJW’s scattered into the darknet away from public fury.
Intolerance to normal thought and common decency was replaced with major social and economic revisions imbuing a sense of hope and welcomed change back to true progress for all people, no matter class, cred, or color. Americans started acting like Americans again. A true melting pot were all races blended together into the red, white, and blue colors making the stars and stripes a symbol of strength and freedom for all those willing to stand united as one Nation. For all the good