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An American Fairy-Tell Page 14

price. The farmer can reseed with the same seeds without penalty, but must pay patent fees every year of use. The federal government was charged with testing all crop samples prior to sale. Any farm found in violation of patent laws faced fines matching the patent fees owed to the supplier.

  Corporate buyouts of other companies became public concerns and legal names an important issue as branding drives sales in the modern world. In order to provide much needed transparency to the public, all smaller divisions of lager companies were now required to adopt the parent company name. The days of rebranding by hiding behind a more credible name had come to an end. Even company mergers required publicly displayed disclaimers detailing past company names along with the new brand. A reliable check and balance mechanism is an informed public and necessary for a truly free market.

  The globalization of the world had many positives and negatives with respect to agriculture. New markets meant new buyers for producers and more choices for consumers. Along with it came more competition for producers and sometimes-higher prices for consumers. The backlash of GMO’s caused issues from countries not wanting those frankenfoods exposed to their lands. Many foreign countries expressed concerns about the effects on human health and safety of future crops without proper research and testing. A deal was made to limit the use of GMO’s to only naturally accepted pairing. Meaning, only plant genes could be spliced with other plant genes. Splicing animal genes with plant genes was deemed unnatural and therefore illegal until long-term testing could be completed for final judgment.

  The nation attempted to limit the size of “too big to fail” corporations in order to create individual companies that would promote job growth while providing healthy business competition and choice. Balances between too small and too big sized businesses were paramount in securing the future of American agriculture. The need for economic and environmental sustainability along with public safety had become compromised through years of backdoor deals and blatant attempts at public propaganda. The people, finally fully aware of how the old system worked, focused on the future by replacing federal government overreach with common sense systems regulated through local voting rights and state government protections.

  Legal Liberties

  The belief everyone is the same is a foolish fantasy better left for the propaganda MSM headlines and clickbait pop-ups on the web. By all accounts, every American citizen has equal legal rights and obligations. Every American citizen also has freedom of self-expression that should be protected from narrow-minded bigots who labeled different opinions as racist statements. Many individuals can identify with so-called radical labels known as free thinkers, millennials, deplorables, progressive, far-left, black lives matter, all lives matter, gay pride, feminist, Islamic, Christian, Atheist, conservative, republican, alt-right and so on and so on. All deemed radical or extreme by the other groups and by some accounts have people that are extreme and radical, but that does not mean all persons identifying with said group are dangerous. Many individuals will relate to more than one ideology and feel a social choice must be made in order to fit in to self-serving mainstream labels. This type of public labeling can cause people to act differently than their personal beliefs in order to fit in to perceived groups parameters. Social construct is hard to identify and harder to prove as beliefs change as society changes with no clear determination as which one is the instigator.

  For too long we blamed others for the mistakes and criminal misconduct minorities plagued upon our social and justice systems. The Majority had the same track record except with a smaller overall percentage of troublemakers per capita. The reality of failed policies stretching back over half a century were angrily staring us down and begging for a war that would destroy the Nation, once and for all. The old headlines of relentless oppression and racism had grown thin and held little merit as the facts told a much sinister story. Minorities by definition made up less than 35 percent of the population but committed the majority of the crime. For decades, laws granting privilege over the majority did little to appease these misguided souls, lost in a hopeless world constructed from fear and hate by a corrupt political party. The ridiculous notion that the white devil was to blame for all bad things in life was told generation after generation until it became accepted as the truth. Misinformed parents drilled folklore instead of facts and lied to themselves when the truth was too hard to bear. If the white race was so terrible and hated all others as much as the media suggested, the 14th amendment would have been repealed. All others races would be found less than equal and possessions confiscated and redistributed. This ludicrous behavior is not who the white majority is or what they do. The truth was both the minority and the majority had blood on their hands with good and bad people in each group.

  Centuries of “white” dominance from different countries around the world helped enslave many nations to be sure, but slavery was as old as humankind itself. Every country has some history of slavery in one form or another. Native Americans both North and South had slaves prior to European influence. Africa has always been a hot bed for human rights violations and atrocities, before and after America found Independence. People of all races were taken during the Muslim push into Medieval Europe, including over a million white slaves sold into a life of misery. World history did not begin in America as many seemed to believe, nor was slavery created there. America was a product of the shared ideas and beliefs people in that time period believed in and lived by. As the world changed and men’s notions changed, so did America. Slowly all persons became equal by way of the constitution. This does not mean all persons are the same nor does it mean all persons should be treated the same. If you are responsible and caring, respect is given. If you are lazy and dishonest, criticism is given. Each response can lead a person down different paths, by viewing the remarks as either positive or negative. Life is full of choices, choices that define our lives and hold consequences for civil disobedience. The reason to openly discuss these deep-rooted problems and concerns was not to blame or hate, but rebuild fractured relationships and move forward as a strong Nation. A Nation working together with a singular dream to better not just oneself, but all citizens from the richest to the poorest no matter race, creed, religion or cell phone format.

  The beginning was rough as all sides blamed the others for current and past relations as well as solutions to remedy them. One of the first breakthroughs was the complete banishments of real hate groups. Not a group with a different opinion labeled extreme or hateful by a vengeful opposing group, but any group calling for or carrying out physical violence toward others. Freedom of speech is still free as long as physical harm is excluded from the conversation. A free society has no room or patience for bullies and oppressors. Attacks on personal character and businesses fell under the statute to combat cyber oppression. Anyone found guilty of knowingly spreading fraudulent information about a person and/or business shall spend no less than 180 days in jail or restitution paid with final sentencing by the victim.

  Any person(s) that uploads a video to social media site(s) knowingly promoting lies in order to promote unrest and riots will face a minimum of 180 days in jail without bail. The phrase “yelling fire in a crowded theater” refers to falsely doing so to cause a panic and is illegal to do so. The media is a form of common thought and entertainment were thousands and millions of people gather to learn and communicate. Social media and News outlet sites attract people from around the world and have great influence on the masses. With this power comes great responsibility and steps should be taken to ensure equality among the messages are not filled with false or twisted truths meant to cause division and strife.

  When an individual posts an opinion, people take little meaning in the content and it’s soon forgotten. When a news outlet reports on a subject, people take notice and believe the content true, regardless of the facts. This known truth alone, showed intent by the bias mainstream media to manipulate and deceive the naïve public in order to push corrupt political a
gendas. This malicious intent angered the now aware public, which resulted in a new set of laws for public well-being. The Truth in Media act made lying to the public illegal and punishable by jail, airtime suspension and fine, if convicted. When a network airs false information and fails to publicly announce the error within the given timeline or repeatedly demonstrates poor fact checking journalism, punishment will be handed down from a court of law. If a network voices one-sided opinions, that network shall by law be made to make public announcement of its intent or face punishment by court of law. The plaintiff shall be the public and accused the owners of the network and its executives. Any politician found or attempting to, manipulate the public through media channels shall face impeachment as well as legal punishment under the Truth in Media act. Any foreign propaganda would also invoke justice, whether on American soil or the government found manipulating other nations.

  Many Media outlets were owned be the same conglomerate